woensdag 20 oktober 2010

Lavin heart H&M

The first picture of Lavin for H&M, I'm really curious about the whole collection but I allready love it, 23rd of november, I'm really excited.

maandag 18 oktober 2010

Make-up store Amsterdam

I did the fashionshow for Make-up store at the Jimmy Woo in Amsterdam and I really fell in love with the make-up, they have a fantastic collection, with also an ice cream for your face, beautiful fakelashes and other really nice stuff for your skin. I'm a big fan.
Make-up store, Heiligeweg, Amsterdam

Alexia Sin Clair

Alexia Sin Clair, I really love her style, the combination of the animals, the people, the color. It gives a really warm feeling but also a little bit dark, while she is using a lot of happy colors. I'm fascinated by lions, they are so beautifull, the power they have in the whole animal circle.